Saturday 7 December 2013

The Graceful smile

On or  at about 1:00pm on a hot Sunday afternoon of February 11,1990,  I had just been picked up by my dad from a beauty parlour at Exhibition, Dansoman a surburb of Accra. This was where I used to have my lovely corn- roll braids made. The distance between the hair parlour and home was not of a distance so we decided to leg it. On  our walk home  I recall how people were jubilating,others cheered, shouted and chanted the word "freedom" by throwing punches in the air, people riding in their cars were not left out, they tooted their car horns to also join in the jubilation. I was so confused and what made it worst was dad also threw punches in the air, gave a nod, smiled and made eye contacts whenever we walked passed a happy crowd. I was totally puzzled  to the reason why people were excited and the whole local had gone gay. There was a tremendous surge of feeling!  Usually in moments like this I would see people either in Red or Yellow  and that would give  me an indication Asante Kotoko had won a match or it was a good day for Phobia. In this case it didn't seem so.

Finally the long awaited questioning from Akua Kessie started I bet my dad was really ready for this knowing the kind of daughter he had. In a very short statement he said Nelson Mandela is a free man. I then asked who is this man? He replied he is one of the strong men in the world. I believe he didn't want to go in-depth because I would not understand the whole story behind this remarkable person. I remember how dad shook his head after he answered me. The look and the state he was in was  of a reflective one. It was such that it stopped me from probing further.  Consequently, this developed my interest in learning things about this great man.

Nelson Mandela, has always been one that I have  fully admired and adored. My first ever presentation was on him and Maya Angelou at a  Black History lessons and workshop at Leeds, this still remains as  one of my outstanding works so far. It was a breathtaking moment when I met Mr. Randy Pieterse of the African National Congress during the year 2008, we had a personal chat about Nelson Mandela and it was from this  chat I gathered the full meaning of his middle name "Rolihlahla". For me that was the closest contact  I had  with Nelson Mandela save for the melodious songs which had him eulogized . I could sing as a growing child. Apart from the mighty hit "Free Nelson Mandela" my personal favorite will always be Johnny Clegg's elegaic song "Asimbonanga". That piece is simply astounding.  Mandela's great sense of recognition for morality has always been outstanding. He epitomizes the hallmark of morality in my life, not just me but many. He affirms my believe that a walk in pursuance of whatever one believes in is worth taking. As a growing child I have known him by feeling his presence in the world. Today he is of the ages but he will still be felt in the hearts and minds of many others . His graceful smile will forever stay with me.  He has fought a good fight and his legacy shall live on, not just in the history books but in the hearts and minds of humanity.

Live on Nelson Mandela..!!!! Africa's Pride.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Y3 BR3!!!! Adzeeenn!!!

Dear Queen Elizabeth,

I wish to write on behalf of majority of Ghanaians that indeed we have missed you as our colonial masters. In fact we told you people that we are capable of handling and managing our own affairs but we are sorry to say we lied. After the death of the only man you helped put up the basic infrastructures that has been it. We have have seen development at a snail speed in our country. 57yrs down the line and we are mostly depending on the same thing that "brilliant" man set up.

You know we have gold right but you can come and have a good look at Tarkwa and Obuasi where gold has been mined for more than 50yrs yet even these 2 towns can't boast of a Johannesburg status. In short we still haven't been able to do much about that metal which has transformed economies.

We don't just have gold oo,we have bauxite,diamonds,timber and a host of others yet we can't make good use of any to develop this country you left us and oh oh I almost forgot we have recently discovered oil "black gold" too but trust me the story is already beginning to look same. You know we have some refinery right ,well last we heard it can only refine palm kernel oil "adwingo" and not the oil we have found so we are exporting the oil to some countries to refine and we couldn't even have an agreement so we will be their first option to sell the finished products.

Seriously Queen,you and Dave Cameron should sit down and see how best you can help us cuz yebree paa(its is not well) . I know now obia de ne fie asem but maame enkoyie koraaa(u are minding your business but we need help)
No water,no light and these are basic amenities oo and no aviation fuel,Telecoms are rationing services too on a luxury level.

Help we need but let me also sound this note of caution oo,the Ghanaian you knew then is not the same now so we can't be slaves .
Our eyes open well well but still maame hu y3 mcbc kakra wai na may3 abrofc kakra na cmc mb3 solve y3 case mma yen cuz these leaders we have are only solving their personal problems not the country. They are all stealers madam. I will end here but sorry for my language mix up with yours cuz am still learning yours since
1957 .
Thank you

Concerned Citizen


Thursday 29 November 2012

Again: Time: 11:00am ,Thursday                         ...

Again: Time: 11:00am ,Thursday

: Time: 11:00am ,Thursday                             THREE SURE BANKER!! Wow, the winter has fully set in, its 4 degrees and those smokin...
Time: 11:00am ,Thursday

                           THREE SURE BANKER!!

Wow, the winter has fully set in, its 4 degrees and those smoking are doing it on the double now and the tea drinkers like me keep burning their lips! asem oo! As for the drunks,they are simply knackered!

Indeed! it is so fascinating  to see some contentious Acts such as the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) being applied in real life matters. What more could I have asked from Prof. Ewan Mckendrick?  A renowned Professor of English Private Law who through his academic work on the Law of Contract has helped numerous law students with this area of the Law.

Clearly, he has applied the Freedom of Information Act perfectly in response to  some frivolous political antics being exhibited by the so called RAP group an affiliate of the ruling government regards the alleged expulsion of Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo- Addo from the prestigious Oxford University. Now, what was the specific intention of this group?????  To prove to the world esp Ghana Nana Addo is a man of Integrity?? I bet they did!  because my heart melted when Prof. Mckendrick stated in his reply and i quote ''He does not appear to use his (limited) Oxford connection to try to secure an advantage in his political life and in the forthcoming election in particular. There is no reference to it on his personal website or Facebook or Twitter accounts. Similarly, I could find no reference to it in the first 20 hits produced by an internet search for ‘Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo'' 1
 Perhaps they would have stated on their CVs they attended such a prestigious university without having the needed proof or maybe they were overwhelmed by the fact that the man Nana Addo had a feel of the Oxbridge world. Ha! I don't blame them though. Its everyone's dream! C'mon dont hate, you wont refuse admission to Oxford or Cambridge? ?  would you??

Hmmm, so now why wont I vote for such a man? A Man of Integrity! let us not forget our very own ex prez Rawlings believes in INTEGRITY and that is his favourite word! Fact!  Nana Addo  Abrantie papa bi !!
My beloved Prez John Dramani Mahama, I would have preferred you choosing  any other number other than the number one (1) on the ballot paper!!!! Ashie mi paaa!  However, people its THREE oooo! ''THREE SURE BANKER'' Edeem clean!!!!!!!

Good luck Ghana! 

1 ., Profffesor Ewan Mckenderick

Saturday 3 November 2012

Again: Laziness

Again: Laziness: Today, I woke up on the wrong side of my bed.  I just don't  feel like doing anything.